b'Club NewsThe Upper Valley Snow Packers pit was loaded with chicken for their 51st Annual Chicken BBQ.for the season opening. Every year, our groomers go above and beyond and even though we didnt have much to work with, they did not disappoint. Thanks guys, a job well done! End of season drinks are on me!We are always looking for volunteers. If you are interested, please contact our trailmaster, Clint Roger, at 802-685-4432. We have projects in process year-round and appreciate any help we can get. Enjoy the warmer weather and may the snow gods bless us next year!Melinda Hemson, Secretary Like us on FacebookUpper Valley Snow PackersGreetings from the Upper Valley! I think it goes without saying that this winter turned out to be a real disappointment, especially after the historic flooding of 2023. Nevertheless, our club has certainly tried to make the best of it. On Feb.3, we held our 51st Annual Chicken BBQ at the Westshire Elementary School in West Fairlee with a fantastic turnout! Thank you to everyone who supported the club by attending and to all the area businesses who donated raffle table prizes. On March 13, we held the drawing for our annual redneck raffle. All 550 tickets were sold and all the proceeds will go into trail improvements and groomer repairs. Thank you to all our136 N. Main St., Troy, NH generous landowners, without youwww.TroyPowersports.com 603-242-3397our trail system would not exist. Also,www.TroyPowersports.comthank you to our dedicated volunteers to put in countless hours bringing Late Winter 2024 | 21'